
Pride in Concert 🏳️‍🌈

Sunday, Aug. 27, 2023
Academiehuis Grote Kerk
Performed by
Art Collective Friesian Cow

Kunst Collectief Friese Koe: a young initiative by four Zwolle queer friends.
All four have close ties to classical music: Steven Faber, Frans Haverkort and Marco Hup all graduated from the conservatory and Sander Musch was a concert organizer of national classical concerts for a number of years.
They carry Zwolle Pride with them. With this concert, they provide Zwolle Pride Festival with beautiful offerings to represent and serve Zwolle's diverse and colorful queer community.

With classical music, they show what contributions queer composers have made to culture and how these, often celebrated composers, faced the necessary difficulties as human beings to be able to be who they were.
With a broad conception of "classical music," they paint a picture of the development of gay emancipation over the centuries. The collective's first focus is on putting together and organizing an interesting program for this occasion. This first edition is a pilot, and with some fantastic queer musicians and allies, it promises to be a wonderful concert.

The composition of these occasional musicians and performers include Marcel Beekman (tenor, The Dutch Bach Consort), Utku Geçgel (piano student from Turkey) and Steven Faber (Piano).

Kunst Collectief Friese Koe: a young initiative by four Zwolle queer friends.
All four have close ties to classical music: Steven Faber, Frans Haverkort and Marco Hup all graduated from the conservatory and Sander Musch was a concert organizer of national classical concerts for a number of years.
They carry Zwolle Pride with them. With this concert, they provide Zwolle Pride Festival with beautiful offerings to represent and serve Zwolle's diverse and colorful queer community.

With classical music, they show what contributions queer composers have made to culture and how these, often celebrated composers, faced the necessary difficulties as human beings to be able to be who they were.
With a broad conception of "classical music," they paint a picture of the development of gay emancipation over the centuries. The collective's first focus is on putting together and organizing an interesting program for this occasion. This first edition is a pilot, and with some fantastic queer musicians and allies, it promises to be a wonderful concert.

The composition of these occasional musicians and performers include Marcel Beekman (tenor, The Dutch Bach Consort), Utku Geçgel (piano student from Turkey) and Steven Faber (Piano).

In cooperation with:
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Marcel Beekman  tenor
Ooit in Zwolle aan het conservatorium cum laude afgestudeerd, nu van internationale faam om zijn interpretaties van zowel operarollen als oratoriumpartijen van vroege barok tot hedendaags repertoire.

Heleen Koele  sopraan
Alumna van het conservatorium te Zwolle, sinds 1998 lid van het Nederlands Kamerkoor, grote carrière als solist in oratoriumrepertoire, en medeoprichter van Het Nederlands Bach Consort te Zwolle.

Sytse Buwalda  countertenor
Pionier in de uitvoeringspraktijk van het vak van countertenor zowel in opera en oratorium als op het kleine podium alwaar hij op geheel eigen wijze contact met zijn publiek maakt. Medeoprichter van Het Nederlands Bach Consort te Zwolle.

Utku Geçgel  piano
Masterstudent piano aan het ArtEZ-conservatorium te Zwolle. Utku komt uit Istanbul, Turkije. Zijn afstudeeronderzoek gaat over diversiteit en inclusie als uitgangspunt bij het programmeren/cureren van concerten.

Steven Faber  piano
Als pianist, onderzoeker en coördinator verbonden aan de masteropleiding van het ArtEZ-conservatorium te Zwolle. Tevens werkzaam voor de Europese Associatie voor Conservatoria (AEC) voor de borging van ‘Diversity, Equity andInclusion’ in het internationale conservatoriumonderwijs.