Our City Poet

Meet the Voice of Zwolle

The city poet expresses in a poetic way what concerns the residents of Zwolle. Every year he or she writes twelve or more poems about various Zwolle issues. The Committee Stadsdichter Zwolle appoints a new city poet every two years on Gedichtendag (Poetry Day) (the last Thursday in January).

Angel for the church

De nieuwe stadsdichter van Zwolle

Er is een nieuwe stadsdichter geselecteerd door de commissie.

Uit de inzendingen maakte de commissie een schriftelijke voorselectie uit zes kandidaten. Daarbij werd gelet op:
- Kwaliteit, gelaagdheid en toegankelijkheid van de poëzie;
- Betrokkenheid bij de stad Zwolle en actuele Zwolse ontwikkelingen;
- Visie op de invulling van het stadsdichterschap.

Na de schriftelijke voorselectie vond de eindselectie plaats, waarbij ook werd gelet op voordrachtskunst. De stadsdichter werd gekozen uit drie potentiële kandidaten.

Bauke Vermaas is Zwolle's eighth city poet. Vermaas (b. 1979) was chosen from seven candidates in January 2023. The committee sees in Bauke an empathetic observer who can strongly apply her talent for poetry with her love for the city of Zwolle.

Bauke shows in her poetry that she stands in the middle of Zwolle society. She writes good poetry and has the necessary stage experience. She is co-organizer of Lege Stoelen, the monthly poetry stage initiated by former city poet Jeroen Kraakman. She is also an active member of the Zwols Dichterscollectief. She has published poetry and prose in Hollands Maandblad, Het Liegend Konijn and Papieren Helden, among others, and writes cycling poetry on instagram(@wielerpoezie).

The words of Bauke Vermaas

On her website, Bauke herself characterizes her work very tangentially:
Expressing wonder,
that's what I do.
For myself and for others.
In poems and stories.

Bauke's urban poems can be found on her
website, Instagram, Facebook and every two weeks in the Swollenaer.

Bauke Vermaas is Zwolle's eighth city poet. Vermaas (b. 1979) was chosen from seven candidates in January 2023. The committee sees in Bauke an empathetic observer who can strongly apply her talent for poetry with her love for the city of Zwolle.

Bauke shows in her poetry that she stands in the middle of Zwolle society. She writes good poetry and has the necessary stage experience. She is co-organizer of Lege Stoelen, the monthly poetry stage initiated by former city poet Jeroen Kraakman. She is also an active member of the Zwols Dichterscollectief. She has published poetry and prose in Hollands Maandblad, Het Liegend Konijn and Papieren Helden, among others, and writes cycling poetry on instagram(@wielerpoezie).

The City Poetry Committee

The Committee City Poet Zwolle is an independent body within the Academiehuis and is financially supported by the Municipality of Zwolle. The committee supports the City Poet how and where possible in her/his work. It is also involved in the organization of the Dichterstafel in the Academiehuis. The committee - possibly supplemented by some external stakeholders - also forms the jury that selects the city poet.

The committee consists of:
- Liselotte Bredie
- Inez van KleefAcademiehuis)
- Anita Middel
- Corina Staal (Stadkamer)
- Thijs Verster
- Theo van de Vliet

Previous City Poets

Sarah Lucassen (January 2021 - January 2023)
Appointed by Commissie Stadsdichter Zwolle i.c.w. Zwolle Zien and Stadkamer
‍JeroenKraakman (January 2019 -January 2021)
Appointed by Committee Stadsdichter Zwolle i.c.w. Zwolle Zien and Stadkamer
Kees Smits (January 2017 - January 2019)
Appointed by Commission Stadsdichter Zwolle i.c.w. Zwolle Zien and Stadkamer
Marieke van Bolderen (September 2015 - September 2016)
Appointed by Party for Culture
Alet Boukes (2009-2011)
Appointed by Municipality of Zwolle
Lenze Bouwers (2007-2009)
Appointed by Municipality of Zwolle
Paul Gellings (2005-2007)
Appointed by the Municipality of Zwolle

The Poet's Table

To strengthen the relationship between poetry and the city, the committee has taken the initiative to organize a 'Dichterstafel' four times a year: twice in the fall, twice in the spring.

Various poets will be invited to the table, either in person or through a 'connoisseur': a (inter)nationally known poet, a well-known poet from Zwolle, other poets via an Open Podium and of course the city poet. Visual artists may also participate.

In addition, poems by the poet, set to music by local composers, will be sung by musicians. There is also a Sales Table where musicians can offer their CD and poets their collection.

The third meeting always coincides with the national Poets' Day, which always takes place on the last Thursday of January. At the same time, on that day, every other year, there is a change of city poet, as will now happen on January 30, 2025.

Check the
calendar When the next poets' table will take place.