With the academy line, the Academiehuis wants to give substance to the "soul" of the building and act as the heart of the city and connect with the other pillars. Plato inspired to give form and content to the word, art and music as sources of inspiration in this largest covered square in Zwolle, fitting the unique appearance of the building.

In this house, thoughts are exchanged, music and stories are listened to, art is given a place, opinions are shared and honed, and debate and dialogue take place. The programming is an interesting addition to what Zwolle's cultural and educational institutions already offer. It enriches and deepens the offerings, but also has its own identity. The building itself is an important part of that own identity.
The Academy Line
The Academiehuis seeks to function as a beacon in the city. The building has traditionally had a spiritual and religious identity. We will actively and not without obligation look for new value addition with a positive impact for the city: Valueful Zwolle. In doing so, we build on the shoulders of the inspirers from Zwolle's history such as those of the Modern Devotion. These values, which we seek and live out together, can take many forms: inspiring master classes and lectures, discussion and debate evenings, online streaming and podcasting, festivals, coaching and leadership sessions and social events.
From the richness of the educational institutions present in the city, Academiehuis wants to be the central point for all learners and students in the city. Except for organized events, the building wants to be always accessible for meeting, sharing, inspiring, studying, thinking and discussing: open and accessible to all. The source of the word within the Academiehuis also stands for development, thinking and learning. The Academiehuis can accommodate that thinking power from existing and new initiatives also along scientific lines.
The word: OpenUp
Participants in the programs of Waardevol Zwolle, find in the Academiehuis much more than a place with events. They find a community, a club. They become part of a movement where they can take ownership, become creative, carry the organization and practice values.
Also for the young visitor, the Academiehuis is a place of connection of old and new, enrichment about the vibrant history and wonder of the grandeur and stories taking place in Academiehuis Grote Kerk . This applies to young and old, primary, secondary and higher education.
View our educational offerings
In the High Choir, we offer artists space to exhibit their works, making them visible to all visitors to the Academiehuis .
Music sounds in the church: through wonderful concerts, through public rehearsals, through the playing of young professionals. The KlAc program provides opportunities for young professionals to support their careers toward a career in music.