The Academiehuis develops...

An enthusiastic team and many volunteers work daily to make this largest covered plaza the vibrant heart of the city.

Engel voor de kerk

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The Foundation

Foundation Academiehuis Grote Kerk Zwolle is responsible for the preservation of Zwolle's largest national monument. It wants to develop the building into the proud beating heart of Zwolle: a beacon in the city.

More about the foundation

Our organization is at the center of the community and volunteers provide the connection. Volunteers are part of the foundation of the organization and are indispensable. They are enthusiastic, public-friendly and hospitable. Thanks to them, the entire organization can do more work.

Become a volunteer

Together with our partners, we are building Academiehuis. With this beautiful location and our ambition now comes a wide range of diverse collaborations in various fields.

Meer over onze partners

Want to know more about our organization?

We like to think along with you about your commitment to Academiehuis Grote Kerk Zwolle. Feel free to contact us or visit us.

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The Academiehuis is a powerful part of the downtown cultural axis. The house offers a high-quality and always warm welcome to children, young people, city residents and tourists. For them, crossover-oriented programming aims to connect, enrich and amaze. This is visible in the active programming, which is primarily intended for encounters. Art, culture, history, music, education and meaning are an inspiration in this.

Where do we come from?

Het eigendom van Academiehuis Grote Kerk Zwolle is in 2015 overgedragen aan de Stichting Academiehuis Grote Kerk Zwolle.
Het bestuur van de stichting is vanaf dat moment gestart met de realisatie van het masterplan, dat is ontwikkeld door een projectgroep. De bestemming van het pand is in de statuten vastgelegd als cultureel, maatschappelijk /educatief en museaal.

De eerste herinrichting is afgerond half 2019. Het RCE heeft in 2020 een restauratiesubsidie verleend voor de grootschalige restauratie van het pand. Op dit moment vindt de restauratie plaats die moet zijn afgerond uiterlijk 2022. Met de restauratie hoopt de Stichting dit oude hart van de stad weer up-to-date te maken.

How are we on our way?

The Academiehuis gives substance to its function as the city's largest covered plaza by implementing along three lines:

Monument book market, tours, audio tour
Program programming of exhibitions, music, receptions, markets
‍Academy line the Word, Music and Art

The Academiehuis is part of the cultural infrastructure in Zwolle and region. Our presentation as Zwolle's largest indoor plaza is of social and educational importance to the city and thus broader than just culture.

Support the Academiehuis

Contribute to the city's largest national monument.

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