
Opening Open Monumentendag

Friday, Sept. 8, 2023
Academiehuis Grote Kerk
Performed by
Stichting Nederland Monumentenland

During the opening of the Open Monument Day, the Academiehuis, Zwolle's largest national monument, will be transformed into a veritable dream world. The audience will move past various acts performed by talented young musicians, dancers and circus artists. A stimulating and surprising evening walk along different stages; at Panorama Hanze, in the choir, in front of the chapel, next to the richly ornamented pulpit and for example under the world famous Schnitger organ or on a tombstone. A true experience in the equally special 600-year-old setting of the Academiehuis.

During the opening of the Open Monument Day, the Academiehuis, Zwolle's largest national monument, will be transformed into a veritable dream world. The audience will move past various acts performed by talented young musicians, dancers and circus artists. A stimulating and surprising evening walk along different stages; at Panorama Hanze, in the choir, in front of the chapel, next to the richly ornamented pulpit and for example under the world famous Schnitger organ or on a tombstone. A true experience in the equally special 600-year-old setting of the Academiehuis.

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