

Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Academiehuis Grote Kerk
Performed by
The Dutch Bach Consort
'I am Hendrik Pieterszoon Schuyt, but just say Dirk. I was born in 1490. Even as a child I wanted to be part of something bigger, a circle of friends, an alliance.''


So begins the diary of Hanseatic merchant Hendrick Pieterszoon Schuyt, written by artistic director and countertenor Sytse Buwalda and actor Alfred van den Heuvel. Using this fictional diary, The Nederlands Bach Consort brings history back to life. Ancient and contemporary music connect the past with the present. An exciting story of betrayal, love perils, camaraderie and blood spatter in which the music follows the story closely. Beautiful music of which some pieces have never been performed in the Netherlands!


Following the Hanseatic ideology, Het Nederlands Bach Consort commissioned tenor and composer William Knight to compose a piece of music based on the text of a folk song from the 16th century that could once be heard in the streets of Zwolle, Harderwijk, Deventer and Doesburg, for example. In doing so, we connect the past with the present through music.


Get carried away by "Hanseatic Current. A unique musical performance in which fortunately there is also plenty of room for laughter. Leave that to Hendrick Pieterszoon Schuyt!


''A little later I discovered that my hometown was part of a great union: the Hanseatic League! Brilliant concept! A brotherhood of cities, beyond language and national boundaries, supporting and protecting each other. I sailed from Zwolle to Rostock and beyond, brought cloth and wood and rye from London to Novgorod and returned with fish and skins and iron! I smelled unknown smells and forged friendships forever. I was happy!

H.P. Schuyt

'I am Hendrik Pieterszoon Schuyt, but just say Dirk. I was born in 1490. Even as a child I wanted to be part of something bigger, a circle of friends, an alliance.''


So begins the diary of Hanseatic merchant Hendrick Pieterszoon Schuyt, written by artistic director and countertenor Sytse Buwalda and actor Alfred van den Heuvel. Using this fictional diary, The Nederlands Bach Consort brings history back to life. Ancient and contemporary music connect the past with the present. An exciting story of betrayal, love perils, camaraderie and blood spatter in which the music follows the story closely. Beautiful music of which some pieces have never been performed in the Netherlands!


Following the Hanseatic ideology, Het Nederlands Bach Consort commissioned tenor and composer William Knight to compose a piece of music based on the text of a folk song from the 16th century that could once be heard in the streets of Zwolle, Harderwijk, Deventer and Doesburg, for example. In doing so, we connect the past with the present through music.


Get carried away by "Hanseatic Current. A unique musical performance in which fortunately there is also plenty of room for laughter. Leave that to Hendrick Pieterszoon Schuyt!


''A little later I discovered that my hometown was part of a great union: the Hanseatic League! Brilliant concept! A brotherhood of cities, beyond language and national boundaries, supporting and protecting each other. I sailed from Zwolle to Rostock and beyond, brought cloth and wood and rye from London to Novgorod and returned with fish and skins and iron! I smelled unknown smells and forged friendships forever. I was happy!

H.P. Schuyt

In cooperation with:
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The Hanseatic League

The year 2023 marks the 800th anniversary of the Hanseatic League of cities. A union that lasted more than 500 years. A treaty that even now appeals to the imagination. Because just imagine: a late medieval trade treaty between 200 cities in several countries. With Middle Low German as the common language, their own handwriting and the bill of exchange as their own standardized means of payment! But also an alliance which defended its interests by political and military means. Does it sound familiar? Besides great economic prosperity it also brought the people a great flowering of art and culture with beautiful compositions by, among others, Buxtehude, Sweelinck, Clemens non papa and Ludovicus Episcopius.



Heleen Koele - Soprano

Kristen Witmer - Soprano

Sytse Buwalda - Altus

Daniel Elgersma- Altus

Dolf Drabbels - Tenor

William Knight - Tenor

Roele Kok - Baritone

Mitchell Sandler - Baritone

Alfred van den Heuvel - Actor / Hendrik Pieterszoon Schuyt


Saskia Coolen - recorder

David van Ooijen - Lute

Cassandra Luckhardt - Viola da gamba

Mannes Hofsink - Organ


Playing dates

Dinsdag 13 juni 2023         20.00 uur                Zwolle, Academiehuis Grote Kerk

Wednesday, June 14, 2023 8 p.m. Amsterdam, Waalse Kerk

Thursday, June 15, 2023 8 p.m. Groningen, Lutherse Kerk

Vrijdag 16 juni 2023           20.00 uur                Harderwijk, Grote Kerk

Saturday, June 17, 2023 8 p.m. Deventer, Lebuinus Church

Sunday, June 18, 2023 3:30 p.m. Doesburg, Gasthuiskerk