Audio tour 'Discover the hidden treasures'
Discover the hidden treasures of the Academiehuis Grote Kerk Zwolle. This is still a central place of meeting, reflection, art and culture. The enormous building shows the wealth and power of the city through the ages and can be read as a history book full of fascinating contradictions. The audio tour takes you in 30 minutes through the stories hidden behind an inconspicuous washbasin, the large choir screen and the enormous pulpit.
Ask for the audio tour of The Greatest Museum of the Netherlands at the front desk at Academiehuis.
Discover the hidden treasures of the Academiehuis Grote Kerk Zwolle. This is still a central place of meeting, reflection, art and culture. The enormous building shows the wealth and power of the city through the ages and can be read as a history book full of fascinating contradictions. The audio tour takes you in 30 minutes through the stories hidden behind an inconspicuous washbasin, the large choir screen and the enormous pulpit.
Ask for the audio tour of The Greatest Museum of the Netherlands at the front desk at Academiehuis.

Photos: Femke Lockefeer | Largest Museum of the Netherlands